4 Step Form
Welcome to the BattleFin Alternative Data Challenge: Americas. Please fill out the below 4 step process to complete your application. Once submitted our team will reach out with next steps!

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Share your company's #1 Top Product (You can list more products inside Ensemble after application is processed)

10. Data Productization Level

The upcoming data productization question is designed to communicate to future clients what level of data solution your firm is providing.

Source Data Solution Example: Satellite imagery companies providing raw firehose data in the form of PDF images. 

Insight Data Solution Example: Orbital Insights, which takes Raw (source) Satellite imagery and use computer vision to produce insights into US consumer retail stores, aka counting cars in parking lots.

Signal Data Solution Example:  Data that provides an inherent actionable data point in a timely manner; such as Dataminr and its real-time alerts to regarding an eyewitness account of a refinery explosion. 

Please do your best to categorize your firm’s data solution level, so asset management firms understand your products. 

Please describe the source of your data. How, when and why it was obtained for the creation of this product. 
Please describe the collection methods used in obtaining the source data/ information used in this product.


37. Data Productization Level

The upcoming data productization question is designed to communicate to future clients what level of data solution your firm is providing.

Source Data Solution Example: Satellite imagery companies providing raw firehose data in the form of PDF images. 

Insight Data Solution Example: Orbital Insights, which takes Raw (source) Satellite imagery and use computer vision to produce insights into US consumer retail stores, aka counting cars in parking lots.

Signal Data Solution Example:  Data that provides an inherent actionable data point in a timely manner; such as Dataminr and its real-time alerts to regarding an eyewitness account of a refinery explosion. 

Please do your best to categorize your firm’s data solution level, so asset management firms understand your products. 

Please describe the source of your data. How, when and why it was obtained for the creation of this product. 
Please describe the collection methods used in obtaining the source data/ information used in this product.


63. Data Productization Level

The upcoming data productization question is designed to communicate to future clients what level of data solution your firm is providing.

Source Data Solution Example: Satellite imagery companies providing raw firehose data in the form of PDF images. 

Insight Data Solution Example: Orbital Insights, which takes Raw (source) Satellite imagery and use computer vision to produce insights into US consumer retail stores, aka counting cars in parking lots.

Signal Data Solution Example:  Data that provides an inherent actionable data point in a timely manner; such as Dataminr and its real-time alerts to regarding an eyewitness account of a refinery explosion. 

Please do your best to categorize your firm’s data solution level, so asset management firms understand your products. 

Please describe the source of your data. How, when and why it was obtained for the creation of this product. 
Please describe the collection methods used in obtaining the source data/ information used in this product.

Please upload the following marketing documents to complete your submission

Please upload the following product documents to complete your submission