
The #1 platform you need to sell more data.


Leverage Ensemble+ to identify ideal target audience, help generate qualified leads,
surface insights & Close Deals.


Set up a demo to

Fast-track your Data Sales with a platform designed to grow with you.

Join the Ensemble+ community of Data Providers already engaging qualified buyers worldwide!



Surface Insights

  • Leverage Ensemble Sandbox & our partners to find interesting insights in your data
  • BattleFin gives you access to multiple tools
  • Post these insights on your Ensemble Profile, Dashboard and share on Social Media

Generate Qualified Leads

  • Leverage our Data Buyer Directory to see which firms you should be targeting
  • Search by Geography, Investment Style, AUM and other features
  • See full Data Buyer Firm profiles to better prepare for meetings

Close Deals

  • People buy data from people they trust. Create a great digital identity
  • BattleFin helps with your Go To Market planning
  • Online pls in Person focus is key to closing deals. BattleFin offers that.

Ensemble Plus Pricing Tiers

Basic Data Provider

The starter kit for Data Providers, see what's in store!

$499  / Month

  • Ensemble Enhanced Profile (created with BattleFin specifically for Financial Service and Corporate data users)
  • Ability to Post and Promote 2 articles on Dashboard per month
  • Dashboard feed with Data Strategy and Data Sourcing job changes
  • 5% discount on events

Pro Data Provider

Take Data Sourcing to the next level with our premium features

$999  / Month

  • Basic Data Provider offerings INCLUDED
  • Sandbox area with signal and insights tools to post new findings on the Dashboard and add to Ensemble Profile. (ClearQuery, etc)
  • 10% discounts on events

Elite Data Provider

Your personalized enterprise package, the works!

$1995  / Month

*Paid upfront, 12 Month Commitment

  • Basic and Pro Data Provider offerings INCLUDED
  • Custom data Go-To-Market plan created with BattleFin
  • Access to Data Buyer Directory during events to do Account Based Marketing
  • Access to New Fund Directory
  • Bi Weekly planning and targeting call
  • 15% discount on events

Explore Recent Ensights


Insights & Innovations BattleFin Hosts First Corporate Discovery Day

08 Nov, 2023

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Battlefin Launches Corporate Discovery Day

17 Aug, 2023

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Navigating the Data Map Launches: Demystifying EU Rollouts

15 Aug, 2023

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Battlefin Launches Corporate Discovery Day

17 Aug, 2023


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Ensemble Al: Finding data solutions faster

BattleFin Ensemble Al uses cutting-edge Al technology to make data easily accessible and simplifies the process of finding valuable insights

Introducing the most advanced generative Al tool designed to take the Ensemble data catalog to the next level. Get ready to easily search and find data you need, with unmatched precision and speed simply by describing your goals or research project.

Join our beta and take our Al for a test drive to unlock the full potential of your data-driven strategies.



Join our Ensemble AI beta. It’s free!


Testimonials By Top Data Providers
